ViTeZ_KoJa :)
« Odgovor #900 poslato: Mart 29, 2009, 13:42:55 » |
dobro,dobro de...nek' ti bude -_- a rekao sam i ja da je na mene red  ! ajde sta ti sve treba?
 One Stone is Enough to break a Glass..... One sentence is Enough to break a heart....... One Second is Enough to fall In Love ... and .... One Love is Enough to make worse a whole Life!
ViTeZ_KoJa :)
« Odgovor #902 poslato: Mart 29, 2009, 13:48:00 » |
nije fora brzo polako lepse prija... imaj strpljenja... 
 One Stone is Enough to break a Glass..... One sentence is Enough to break a heart....... One Second is Enough to fall In Love ... and .... One Love is Enough to make worse a whole Life!
honey_mici Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
« Odgovor #903 poslato: Mart 29, 2009, 13:59:06 » |
jace i brze... !!! Slazem se sa Njav  ( joooj zamislite tu stiuaciju ja, Njav i mali da zivimo zajedno i spavamo u istom krevetu... auuuu  )
Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most. Mark Twain
ViTeZ_KoJa :)
« Odgovor #904 poslato: Mart 29, 2009, 14:02:02 » |
xexexexe  zamisli  ... bas auuuuuuuuuu ... pa ja ne bi bio ziv pored vas dve... ma salim se .. pojeo bih vas ne bi mogle nista vas dve :p protiv mene!
 One Stone is Enough to break a Glass..... One sentence is Enough to break a heart....... One Second is Enough to fall In Love ... and .... One Love is Enough to make worse a whole Life!
ViTeZ_KoJa :)
« Odgovor #906 poslato: April 04, 2009, 14:14:41 » |
 e ali samo ako je njavi tu, pristajem  ...
 One Stone is Enough to break a Glass..... One sentence is Enough to break a heart....... One Second is Enough to fall In Love ... and .... One Love is Enough to make worse a whole Life!
« Odgovor #907 poslato: April 04, 2009, 14:48:57 » |
ViTeZ_KoJa :)
« Odgovor #908 poslato: April 04, 2009, 20:16:31 » |
hahahahah kakav vic  ... pa sto me teras , ujutru je najbolje  ... 
 One Stone is Enough to break a Glass..... One sentence is Enough to break a heart....... One Second is Enough to fall In Love ... and .... One Love is Enough to make worse a whole Life!
ViTeZ_KoJa :)
« Odgovor #910 poslato: April 04, 2009, 22:19:16 » |
vazi ok...ali sutra vas dve pa imate sve da pospremite u kuci ! necu maknuti sutra !
gorca ili sladja? sta zele 2 dame...
 One Stone is Enough to break a Glass..... One sentence is Enough to break a heart....... One Second is Enough to fall In Love ... and .... One Love is Enough to make worse a whole Life!
honey_mici Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
« Odgovor #911 poslato: April 04, 2009, 22:22:15 » |
Jaka i gorka naravno!!! Nemoj truncicu secera da ima cem se ispovracam... jel' a da pijemo kafu napolju? vidi kako je lepo vreme? 
Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most. Mark Twain
ViTeZ_KoJa :)
« Odgovor #912 poslato: April 04, 2009, 22:23:41 » |
hmmm ok , cek samo da ja krevet namestim idi ti za to vreme pocisti sto napolju... 
 One Stone is Enough to break a Glass..... One sentence is Enough to break a heart....... One Second is Enough to fall In Love ... and .... One Love is Enough to make worse a whole Life!
« Odgovor #913 poslato: April 11, 2009, 17:08:26 » |
patike i sorc i ajmo na trcanje do svetionika
Everything will be OKAY in the end. If it is NOT okay, it is not the END.
ja cu naci novog princa, al za mene ce moj tata uvek biti kralj ♥ ♥ ♥
ViTeZ_KoJa :)
« Odgovor #914 poslato: April 11, 2009, 23:55:07 » |
 davno bese nekad... jao sto te nisam trenirao tad pa znas kako bih te terorisao.. samo bih je pogledao...
 One Stone is Enough to break a Glass..... One sentence is Enough to break a heart....... One Second is Enough to fall In Love ... and .... One Love is Enough to make worse a whole Life!