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Prijavite se korisničkim imenom, lozinkom i dužinom sesije

Dobrodošli, Gost. Molim vas prijavite se ili se registrujte.
Jul 11, 2024, 06:59:52

Prijavite se korisničkim imenom, lozinkom i dužinom sesije
Ukupno članova: 185692
Najnoviji: Bobbohops
Ukupno poruka: 185084
Ukupno tema: 4466
Prisutnih danas: 117
Najviše prisutnih: 1107
(Januar 12, 2020, 19:55:25)
Prisutni korisnici
Korisnika: 0
Gostiju: 131
Ukupno: 131
Lyrics - Tekstovi pesama - L - Kovach.rs
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Lacni Franz - From partizan to Krishna fan / De partisan au fan de Krishna
Tonight there's something special in the air.
My palms are sweating. Supernatural's there.

The inner light is solving riddles one by one
an changing me into a better man.
All my beliefs are turning upside-down.
From partizan to Krishna fan.

Tonight I'm changing my private point of view.
I know exactly what I have to do.

First I'd like to wash myself of sin
by listening to my lowest prayer.
Then I'll drown my fears in gin
and hear a higher force declare:

Go and grab your story by the balls!
Break free from the chains of destiny!
Hunt and flirt with the fears of banality!
Ride away on the wings of desire!
On the tide of the brave!

Izaberite stranu: (L)
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