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Dobrodošli, Gost. Molim vas prijavite se ili se registrujte.

Prijavite se korisničkim imenom, lozinkom i dužinom sesije

Dobrodošli, Gost. Molim vas prijavite se ili se registrujte.
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Prijavite se korisničkim imenom, lozinkom i dužinom sesije
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Pomoci ne trazeci nista zauzvrat mogu samo poneki

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« Odgovor #15 poslato: Avgust 11, 2009, 12:18:34 »

Sto te panika hvata,nece biti 3 svetskog rata...Huh?


Super Hero
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djole je moj drug! XD

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« Odgovor #16 poslato: Avgust 11, 2009, 20:44:54 »

b, my men, koga hvata panika?
mene? Grin
samo opusteno... Cool

Homer Simpson
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« Odgovor #17 poslato: Avgust 18, 2009, 16:52:43 »

Dali znate da od 199 i neke ISKLJUCIVO predsednik USA donosi odluku o ispaljivanju raketa sa nuklearnim glavama.
Ocigledno je neko pokusao da bude faca i da napravi neko sranje!
Zamislite scenario poludelog komadanta koji ima pravo da opali kad hoce!
Ili pilota sa nuklearnim bojevim glavama!
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Nasmesi se, to je druga najlepsa stvar koju mozes da uradis sa svojim usnama!!
Moderator nije privilegija vec obaveza!
Super Hero
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djole je moj drug! XD

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« Odgovor #18 poslato: Avgust 18, 2009, 22:06:50 »

a ni kineze ne treba zaboraviti...jedna njihova provincija da pohara pola azije.

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« Odgovor #19 poslato: Avgust 18, 2009, 23:40:12 »

nema veze,ako dodje do III W.W uzimam kofere i palim u Nemacku Wink

Super Hero
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Poruke: 2027

Pomoci ne trazeci nista zauzvrat mogu samo poneki

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« Odgovor #20 poslato: Avgust 19, 2009, 20:11:05 »

nema veze,ako dodje do III W.W uzimam kofere i palim u Nemacku Wink

ako bude III W.W.ustedeces pare za put, jer Nemci ce doci ovde,sta mislis,da su odustali posle II izgubljena Wink

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Šansa se ukaže onog časa kad odlučiš da se boriš

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« Odgovor #21 poslato: Septembar 30, 2009, 00:48:08 »

Pa doce po treci,da overe garanciju  Cheesy

Proći će sve ali duša,obraz i ono što je dobro ostaju zauvek
Teško je biti sam. Od toga je jedino teže kada su dvoje sami.
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« Odgovor #22 poslato: Januar 04, 2010, 23:48:31 »

My humble opinion. In USA all the comments about a Jewish conspiracy, a Masonic conspiracy, a Bilderberg conspiracy ... all have one thing in common. They are pure bullshit! The Jews are broken into denominations just like Christians and Muslims. They can not even agree among themselves as to whether or not to serve rice at Passover. There is no world Jewish conspiracy, nor has there ever been one. Show me a new Jewish conspiracy and I'll show you a Neo-Nazi ignorant as the creator.

Next the Masonic conspiracy nonsense. The Masons are a benign service organization, very conservative, and only officially dating back to 1717 in London. Lots of symbolism and historic tales, like all fraternites. Cound they get together to dominate the world? Ridiculous. They can not even agree on a common ritual within the USA. They do not get together to discuss politics, as a matter of fact, politics and religion are rarely discussed in a Masonic lodge, forbidden in most. As to their hierarchy, they are all old men, dinosaurs, not taken seriously by politicians here other than to be polite.

Here's the truth, pure and simple. America still has the ability to incinerate the world with the press of a button. So did Soviet Union, Israel, China and many others, some still do. But it never happened. Why? Because we were all guided by a desire to survive, and respect for life, and a willingness to at least co-exist.

What's new?  Now we have a new world, with people willing to send their children into a crowded market with a bomb in their belt for what? Because you have the wrong religious ideas in your head. Now that's scary. Just my opinion.

Revelation: Music is of more value than politics.  Wayne
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« Odgovor #23 poslato: Januar 05, 2010, 00:34:43 »

Hehe, Wayne your views are a lot similar like mine Wink. Masonery and other conspiracy theories are bs in my opinoin also. I think people learned a lot from WW II, so for a third u would need some great catastrophe or change. I think World war III will break out for water. World population is increasing rapidly and water is less and less, so thats one posibility. Oil will dissapear in 30-50 years, that will make a big economic crisis. Hitler rose to power thanks to great depression that sruck in 1930ies. Than, wars for informations are far likely than for land. Informations, technology=power.
Theese are, in my opinion, possible reasons for another great war. World is like internet, too big to be controled by some secret society.

offtopic: konacno nasao coveka koji ima slicne stavove oko politike kao ja Grin.

Ja sam uvek u pravu. To realnost gresi Wink.

I want something good to die for,
to make it beautiful to live.
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« Odgovor #24 poslato: Januar 07, 2010, 19:13:35 »

Yes, and I have a soboring thought. Yugoslavia region is both blessed and Cursed because of its geographic location. You are the Crossroads of Europe, culturally rich and unique. What? About half way between Istanbul and, say, Vienna, give or take?  If oil rich nations and "western" powers start slugging it out over resources and then add religious / political domination as added incentives for bursting open WW III, I fear that the Balkans will again be central to the conflict. If there is one common denominator in history, it appears to be that the rest of the world has no problem stomping through your countries, carving up new borders, ripping open old wounds, and generally taking what they want, and dealing out what's left over based upon their convenience.

My take on the Horrors of Civil War in the 1990's, first, Outsiders like myself need to be very cautious making comments because we do not know what it was really like. What I do know is that what I was told about the NATO "peacekeeping" in the U.S. press was sanitized propaganda. No one here in the streets knew anything about bombing until well after it happened, as usual.  We had no vote on this!  Some shed tears, many didn't even pay attention to the headline, which I recall was rather small.

I have a novel idea. If the rest of the world butts out of your internal business and lets you guys and girls work out your own cultural and political issues, which are clearly unique, I have faith that you will all work things out quite well. But that would be something new, would not it?

  For a start, here's some things that can actually be done.  I would like to see more favorable trade agreements with your countries and mine, UK, etc.  We have not made it easy for you, relatively speaking. A suggestion for you. When world economy takes an upswing, Balkans should be expanding tourism opportunities/incentives for us to come there and spend $$$.  You are doing a good job here, but you can advertise more and get more business.  Also, capitalize on getting your artists visible to rest of world.  Towns like Chicago and Toronto, Canada, have many who would likely get into your pop music, if they had more access and experiences with it.  Churches, Kolo Clubs, the Serbian, Slovenian and Croatian social clubs would be outlets.  Lists can be found on www. Now we just need a few entrepreneurs to do it.

I got to get you guys up to speed with raw capitalism. Smiley   Wayne

Super Hero
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Poruke: 2027

Pomoci ne trazeci nista zauzvrat mogu samo poneki

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« Odgovor #25 poslato: Januar 07, 2010, 20:54:07 »

What to say and that does not insult anyone - I do not know. I know that I was fun to watch as the planes hit on September 11 in the twin towers and pentagon pentagram...Of course I do not like Muslim fanatics but their congratulations on the idea ! And if USA thinks they are better friends of Kosovo Albanians from the Serb then let them love and give them part of its territory and not our...Red button and have another one that is good for humanity,miserable we have it to U.S. only...Eventually followed by a new war and drawing new maps. I do not like but it is inevitable...This time Stace on the side, which offers more and not as far to perish as fools for no reason !!!

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« Odgovor #26 poslato: Januar 07, 2010, 21:48:43 »

B. Love, I think I understand why you feel the way you do, but I look at it differently.  Having friends in Trade Center and one on the plane crew who died on 9/11, I saw no happiness that day.  You probably lost friends in war, too, so you would understand.  I also saw no pleasure, but only sadness and anger, when Serbia was bombed.

You are saying we got what was coming to us.  I hear that.  But, I ask, did it make the world a better place, did it solve anything, did it work toward a better future?  I say not one bit more than NATO intervention into your affairs.

Here's what I saw as an aftermath.  It tightened America's resolve and lent justification to the warhawks.  It increased an already obvious distrust of anything that smacks of Islam.  It made it easier to vilify all of them as a faceless enemy.  There are Americans who totally agree with you and they have written about it, but, as I see it, it just tightened America's trigger finger.  Should either one of us be smiling about these events?  Just my feelings.

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« Odgovor #27 poslato: Januar 07, 2010, 22:37:51 »

JWH1947,you must now that CIA and CCN IS THE ENEMIES OF THE WORLD and THAT TWO...(there is no such bad word for those things) CONTROLING EVERYTHING,huh...to many BIG hidden things (from CIA) and lies(from CNN)...

btw,i believe in WWIII,cause obama is just a wolf in lamb's skin...

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« Odgovor #28 poslato: Januar 07, 2010, 23:04:36 »

One of the reasons I follow European newspapers as well as USA newspapers.  All are biased, but often not in same direction. Provides a balance, of sorts.

You bring up CIA...our spy network. My point is that 9/11 didn't hurt the CIA one bit.  It hurt innocent working people.  It bolstered the CIA and like-minded people.  In the perspective of the man in the street, at face value, the attack lent credibility to the CIA's activities.  When CIA goes to Congress for more money it is easier to get now because of 9/11.  In the long run, that is not good news for either your or me.

As for Obama, would you prefer the other party's agenda?  That was the choice they gave us.  Now off to Christmas party where there is reported to be quantities of pivo, rakija and single-malt Scotch.  Postovanje, Wayne
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Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vijayante ta Raam!

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« Odgovor #29 poslato: Januar 07, 2010, 23:21:09 »

Ljudska ograničenost vodi u rat. Suženje svesti i viđenje rata kao jedinog izlaza za razrešenje problema, znak je slabosti duha, i odsustva vere u Gospoda Boga Svedržitelja i u sebe same, jer to je isto. To je takođe i naklonost onim demonima koji imaju za cilj uništenje čovečanstva i svega što izražava poštovanje Njegovoj Kreaciji.
Nećete se drugari najesti leba od 3 svetskog rata.

Uostalom, vi možda i ne znate, ali taj scenario je već prošlost i nikada se neće realizovati. Sada morate da nađete druge ideje za zaposlite svoj mozak.
Želim Vam puno sreće u tome. angel

Što se grešaka i greha tiče, pošto mi živimo u dimenziji uzročno-posledičnih veza i svako će dobiti ono što zaslužuje. I svako i inače dobija ono što zaslužuje. Mi obično vidimo samo svoje dobro i tuđa zla. Ređi vide vlastita zla i tuđe dobro.
Oni najređi, vide i svoja i tuđa zla i dobra u gotovo savršenom odnosu.

Budućnost je u stvari, slika i prilika onoga što sada mislimo i kako delujemo. Naša i Vaša odgovornost, kroz procese mišljenja, verovanja ili neverovanja, je jednako bitna kao i 'sudbinska' određenost da se nešto 'desi' ili 'ne-desi'.

Zato drugari, na ovaj Sveti Dan, pamet u glavu, dobro razmislite šta želite. angel

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